Monday 3 May 2010

we are here!!

We have arrived at koh samui!! was about a 24h journey door to door, so not massively fun but we did sleep on the plane.
Our accomodation is fine - quite basic but thats what we expected. We have air con which is the most important thing as it is stupidly hot - the kind of hot where you just step outside and the sweat is pouring!!! it doesn't even get cool at night, so i think lucy and i will have to get used to the idea of being sweaty blobs.
We are going down to the beach for a swim and a sunbathe in a little while, which i'm quite looking forward to as i haven't had a shower since sunday (because of travelling, not because i'm disgusting)!

1 comment:

  1. So you're sweating, we're blooming freezing! May? Spring? Bah!
    Let's see some pics! (good news about the air con eh?)
    Love, Dad
