Friday 21 May 2010


We took a ferry trip to a place called Manly today. nice little trip out, i think manly is a bit like bondi - a very surfery place as we could tell by the kinds of shops. it was also a fair bit cheaper than main sydney as we could afford to stop for a cuppa (massive tea cravings!) and a muffin (i had blueberry, lucy had chocolate), we also did some boring food shopping whilst there. we were lucky as just as we stopped in the cafe the heavens opened and there was a downpour. although it only lasted a few minutes so were able to brave the outdoors.
the ferry ride was good because we had a really good view of the harbour and opera house and got some good piccys!
i also had to buy some new socks as i've run out and we haven't had the chance to do any laundry yet - might get it done a bit later!

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